Friday, May 30, 2014

Suffering Proceeds Thinking

"Pain and wonder" would be another way to look at  it. But what does this mean, exactly. Let's think about it. (pun intended) The essence of a car or transportation, e.g., when working optimally is rarely questioned. The car gets us from point A to point B. The car keeps us from potential rain or harsh weather. Allows us to bring the children to the doctor, if need be.  The car is a means for success and all sorts of accomplishments;  a chance to raise a family, family vacations, food shopping and so on.  Everything going according to plan, not much to think about other than putting gas in it, a lunch break, and seeing one's family after work.
     The day is over. You walk to the car, get in, put the key in the ignition, turn the key and without hesitation assume it will start right up. It does not, however, and you try again and again. You suddenly begin to wonder or think what could it be, what is going on. The car, no matter what you do does not start. You begin to think harder, do I have gas, did I put oil in, is it the ignition and so on. Thirty minutes pass and  you begin to panic. "Oh my God," you say under your breath. "What am I going to do, how am I going to get home, what about the kids soccer game, how am I going to get to work tomorrow and so on? This is a very small and mundane way to look at such a serious question, but it makes my point.
     Now, this is the same way we do not think about the tougher more important questions; one's purpose in life, meaning, death or dying, relationships, love and so on. We naturally take for granted that these things will just start up when they are suppose too, no suffering involved until love never comes, or you find out suddenly that you have cancer and so on. The moral of it all is two fold; first off, you don't have to go and suffer on purpose so you are not found wanting-suffering is an art-however, when it does come welcome it and interpret it as a sign, a fleece of some sort to find something meaningful and sustainable for your life, and secondly: use it all as a means to connect the dots in your life better, learn to be strategic, that is make sure your car/life is well maintained that you will suffer as minimal as possible.

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